Frequently Asked Questions
2024 NREsystems - all rights reserved
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3
Concept 4
Concept 5
Procedure 1
Procedure 2
Procedure 3
Procedure 4
Procedure 5
Click on any question to display the answer…
Who is NRE?
Then what happened?
What about networking…and the Internet?
What is NRE’s Internet Marketing System?
So IMS is an acronym for Internet Marketing System?
What’s the difference between NRE’s IMS and an MLS?
What makes NRE’s IMS so powerful?
Who can participate?
What computing equipment do I need?
What is the cost to participate?
How do I get started?
Why do you need such detailed information?
What if my property is not listed with a broker, and I want it marketed in the NRE/IMS system?
What if my property IS listed with a broker, and I want it marketed in the NRE/IMS system?
What if I’m a prospective buyer, and I want access to properties in the NRE/IMS system?
Frequently Asked
tap on any question to display the answer…
Who is NRE?
Then what happened?
What about networking…and the Internet?
What is NRE’s Internet Marketing System?
IMS is acronym for Internet Marketing System?
Difference between NRE’s IMS and an MLS?
What makes NRE’s IMS so powerful?
Who can participate?
What computing equipment do I need?
What is the cost to participate?
How do I get started?
Why do you need such detailed information?
What if my property is not listed with a broker, and
I want it marketed in the NRE/IMS system?
What if my property IS listed with a broker, and I
want it marketed in the NRE/IMS system?
What if I’m a prospective buyer, and I want access
to properties in the NRE/IMS system?
© 2024 NREsystems - all rights reserved